The Wallace Toronto Foundation will host its first ever Toronto Project in Bratislava, SK and surrounding Areas The Wallace Toronto Foundation is pleased to announce its partnerships with Detský domov Studienka (Children’s Home of Studienka), Stredisko sociálnych služieb Petržalka (Social Services Center of Petržalka) and Základná škola Fándlyho (Fándly Primary School) in Pezinok....
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Welcome to the Toronto Foundation

With the help and support of the Toronto family, former Czech and Slovak missionaries and mission presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and other friends of the Czech and Slovak people, the Wallace F. Toronto Foundation was formally established in March of 2003. The mission of the Toronto Foundation is to sponsor community-based educational, good will, and humanitarian...
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Who Was Wallace Toronto?

Wallace Felt Toronto became a pioneering missionary leader for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints among the Slavic people.  He served three missions among the Czechs and continued as their mission president in absentia for another 25 years. Born December 9, 1907 in Salt Lake City Utah, Wallace was called to the German Mission.  In 1929 he joined the first elders transferred to open...
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The Cherry Tree

  The Wallace F. Toronto Foundation’s logo is a stylized cherry tree.  In classical literature and mythology, the cherry tree symbolizes edification, unity, and shared abundance. In the 1940’s, when the foundation’s namesake, Wallace F. Toronto, lived in Prague he and his young family lived in a large, inviting home in a quiet corner of the city.  In their yard was a...
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Save the Date
Sept 7-8, 2018

The 2018 In-Country Service Project has been scheduled for Sept 7th-8th, 2018 and will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia. As in years past, the Toronto Foundation and volunteers will travel to Slovakia for their annual service project. For updates and more information please visit the Foundation’s Facebook page. Over the years, support for the annual in-country project among the LDS members...
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